
Colon cancer’s cellular crossroads

New information about signaling pathways involved in colorectal cancer could aid in assessing prognosis and identifying new therapeutic targets for the disease.

Drugs reverse lung cancer cell changes

Drugs that target “epigenetic” changes may help treat or slow the progression of lung cancer.

Protein repairs esophageal DNA damage

A protein involved in repairing DNA damage associated with gastric reflux may play a tumor suppressor role in the esophagus and could represent a target for therapies to combat esophageal cancer.


Lung nodule surgery not always “futile”

Even when lung operations for suspected cancer resection results in a benign diagnosis, there still may be significant benefits to the procedure, new research suggests.

Illustration of human intestinal tract

Pathway to colon cancer progression

Molecular players involved in colon cancer progression could provide new biomarkers to indicate invasiveness and prognosis.

Bariatric and metabolic surgery lecture Sept. 20

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