Tennessee Donor Services

Last Christmas, I knew a liver transplant was my only chance to survive. This holiday, I’m alive because of the ultimate gift.

It never leaves my thoughts that someone I don’t know made it possible for me to still be here.

Honor walk video from Vanderbilt Wilson County Hospital honors two organ donors and their families

The two organ procurements were the first at VWCH in almost five years

Transplant Pharmacy technician Sarah Osman donated a kidney to Nathan Horton, her former boss at a previous job.

VUMC a national leader in organ, tissue donations

A total of 109 people gave the gift of life as deceased organ donors at Vanderbilt in 2021, resulting in saving 280 lives, more than any other year, and more patients generously gave their gift of organs at Vanderbilt last year than any other single hospital in the United States.

Organ donor’s impact continues to live on in others

Ninety-one people gave the gift of life as deceased organ donors at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in 2020, and behind every one of them is a story. This is the story of Evan Snider, 19, of Franklin, Tennessee.

In memory of Kyle

Last year, an honor walk for paramedic Kyle Fisher went viral. Now, his mother, a nurse at Vanderbilt Wilson County Hospital, is promoting organ donation in his memory.

Flag-raising ceremony honors gift of organ donation

Eighty individuals donated the gift of their organs at Vanderbilt University Medical Center last year, more than any other hospital in the nation, and they and their families were saluted on April 16 at the 10th annual Donate Life Flag-Raising Ceremony.