Vanderbilt School of Medicine

These high school seniors found mentors in Vanderbilt research labs — and were honored in a national science talent search

The students were given the opportunity to work on original research projects at Vanderbilt, diving straight into learning various laboratory techniques and how to formulate a scientific narrative

After devastating floods hit eastern Kentucky, Vanderbilt volunteers stepped up to help

It started with a phone call from a VUMC employee to a VUSM medical student with the simple question: can you help?

Five-year, multi-site trial to assess lymphedema prevention concludes

Lymphedema study results could be a game-changer for breast cancer patients and survivors. The Vanderbilt-led trial found that patients with early detection who used L-Dex with additional intervention were less likely to progress to chronic lymphedema than patients monitored with a tape measure receiving the same intervention. 

Caroling students bring cheer to VUH Plaza

A Vanderbilt holiday tradition continues — with modifications

From fantasy fiction to patient narratives, the power of storytelling drives Michelle Izmaylov

“If you just simply sit with someone and listen, you will learn incredible things”

Students were not able to sing carols in person this year at the hospital. So they brought holiday music via video.

“It’s a tradition for us as well as for the Medical Center. We wanted to bring that same holiday cheer this year.”