VUMC Advanced Practice

Jane Case named associate vice chair for Advanced Practice for the Department of Medicine

Jane Case, DNP, APRN-BC, has been named associate vice chair for Advanced Practice for the Department of Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Advanced Practice Fellowship Program gains ANCC accreditation

Vanderbilt’s Advanced Practice Fellowship Program has been accredited as an Advanced Practice Provider Fellowship Program by the American Nurses Credentialing Center Commission on Accreditation in Practice Transition Programs.

VUMC Nursing’s ‘Boot Camp’ hones critical care skills

About 250 nurse practitioners and physician assistants nationwide gathered over Zoom from Sept. 2-4 for the ninth annual ACNP/PA Critical Care Boot Camp, the first in its history to be entirely virtual, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Capt. James Dickens, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, of the United States Public Health Service and branch chief for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, delivered the keynote address.

Advanced Practice Nursing focus of grand rounds event

About 200 people gathered in Light Hall on Jan. 21 for the kickoff of the 2020 series of Advanced Practice Grand Rounds, a monthly educational series organized by the Vanderbilt University Medical Center Office of Advanced Practice.

Study explores burnout among APRNs, physician assistants

In one of the first studies to document burnout among advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) and physician assistants (PAs), Vanderbilt researchers examined causes and solutions.

Jackson named to new VICC advanced practice role

Heather Jackson, MSN, RN, APRN, has been promoted to administrative director of Advanced Practice for Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center.