youth sports

Safe Stars expanding to include private schools

The Safe Stars youth sports safety rating system is expanding to include private schools and community youth sports organizations participating on public property.

football field

Keeping safety in forefront key to successful sports season

For weeks, coaches have put athletes through an endless series of drills in hopes that the repeated exercises will lead to a mastery of the skills. Their ultimate goal — wins. While plays and routes will become second nature to student athletes, there are a few additional skills that need to be in the lineup — ones that can ultimately save lives.

Tennessee first state to set up safety ratings for youth sports leagues

A new rating system called Safe Stars will soon allow parents to check and see if youth sports leagues in Tennessee follow state-recommended safety protocols.

Conference to feature national leaders on youth sports safety

People committed to making youth sports safer will meet in Nashville July 13-14 for a biennial event that has become one of the nation’s premier conferences on the topic.

Research shows youth sports hazing victims often in denial

The true incidence of hazing in youth sports is unknown because victims don’t report the mistreatment or fail to recognize it as hazing, according to a review of scientific literature on the subject by a team of Vanderbilt University Medical Center researchers.

Youth sports meeting outlines need for attention to safety

Even though Tennessee has laws and policies in place to protect young athletes from sports-related fatalities, more diligence is needed to abide by them, said Alex Diamond, D.O., MPH.

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