March 3, 2011

American Medical Association honors student’s leadership skills

American Medical Association honors student’s leadership skills

Ravi Patel, a second-year Vanderbilt University School of Medicine student, has been named one of the 2011 American Medical Association (AMA) Foundation Leadership Award recipients.

Ravi Patel

Ravi Patel

Patel is one of 24 medical students in the country to receive the award, which recognizes outstanding non-clinical leadership skills in advocacy, community service and education.

During his first year in medical school, Patel co-directed the Nicaragua Service Project, where first- and second-year medical students implemented an electronic cataloging system and renovated a wing of a Nicaraguan eye hospital.

This year, he is co-director of the Shade Tree Clinic, Vanderbilt's free student-run medical clinic. Last month, Patel helped launch The Nashville Mobile Market, a public health intervention to provide access to healthy foods in underserved areas of Nashville.

“Ravi is an energetic, enthusiastic and highly motivated student who continually finds ways to serve the community, both locally and globally,” said Scott Rodgers, M.D., associate dean for Medical Student Affairs.

“He is a tireless advocate for people who lack many of the most basic necessities such as access to food and medical care. I am greatly looking forward to following his career.”