September 8, 2011

Baldwin to chair Sarnoff Foundation scientific board

Baldwin to chair Sarnoff Foundation scientific board

H. Scott Baldwin, M.D., chief of Pediatric Cardiology at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt, has been selected to serve as chair of the Scientific Board of the Sarnoff Cardiovascular Research Foundation.

H. Scott Baldwin, M.D.

H. Scott Baldwin, M.D.

The Sarnoff Foundation works to develop new physician scientists by offering a one-year scientific fellowship for medical students, generally at a lab in an institution other than their own. Once selected, fellows are assigned an adviser, who is a member of the scientific board.

This board member is responsible for helping the candidate choose a laboratory and develop a research project. They not only serve as a mentor during the Sarnoff year but are also available for scientific and career advice during the residency and fellowship years.

Baldwin served as vice chair of the Scientific Board last year and also serves on the board of directors for the Foundation. He says the foundation creates an excellent avenue for developing physician scientists.

“Second-, third- and even fourth-year medical students are encouraged to apply for Sarnoff Fellowships. The theory is that if exposed to a meaningful research experience early, they will choose paths as physician scientists. And it seems to work,” Baldwin said.

In addition to a stipend and travel funds, Sarnoff fellows attend scientific meetings and produce papers to be presented at national conferences. For details on how to apply for a Sarnoff Foundation fellowship, medical students should go to

Baldwin is the Katrina Overall McDonald Professor of Pediatrics and professor of Cell and Developmental Biology.