Virginia Trotter Betts
Virginia Trotter Betts, Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities, was recently named president of the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors.
Betts is a former Vanderbilt University School of Nursing faculty member and graduate. She succeeds Carlos Brandenburg, Nevada's mental health administrator, who is retiring.
The association advocates for the collective interests of state mental health authorities at the national level.
The organization conducts environmental scans in the delivery and financing of mental health services and disseminates knowledge regarding the integration of public mental health programming in evolving health care environments.
In her state post, Betts serves as leader of the state's public mental health, substance abuse and developmental disabilities authority.
Betts has focused the department's resources and programs on quality clinical care and on recovery through a focused commitment to bring science to service and promotion of evidence-based practices in treatment and prevention.