Beth Broering, M.S.N., R.N.
Broering to lead nurses association
Beth Broering, M.S.N., R.N., manager of the Trauma Program at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt, has been named president of the Tennessee Council of the Emergency Nurses' Association (TN-ENA).
More than 700 nurses are members of the Tennessee chapter, which is affiliated with the 33,000-member national ENA.
“I am so excited to have the opportunity to lead our state association,” Broering said. “The Emergency Nurses Association has huge opportunities in our state through education, advocacy, injury prevention and collaboration with other nursing organizations that can impact the quality of care we provide our patients and the quality and safety of our work environments.”
Broering has been an active member of the ENA since 1986 and the Tennessee ENA since moving to Nashville in 2004. The association is dedicated to the advancement of emergency nursing practice. Broering has been busy advancing the education of emergency and critical nurses as well.
She wrote the chapter on cardiac trauma for a newly published cardiac nursing textbook and edited this year's Trauma Nursing Core Course Provider Manual as well as a chapter on brain injury in the upcoming edition of “Sheehy's Emergency Nursing Principles and Practice.”