March 17, 2011

Cafeteria introduces daily low-calorie lunch menu options

Through its Wellness &You program, the Courtyard Café is now offering faculty, staff and visitors a low-calorie, healthy lunch option Monday through Friday — at a 25 percent reduced price.

The daily healthy lunch, which typically includes an entrée, two side dishes and a bottle of water, is on display just inside the cafeteria's main entrance.

Customers are able to see the foods served, entrée portion size, that day's healthy side dishes and nutrition information before they actually enter to make their selections.

Elsewhere throughout the cafeteria, there are healthy food options which are designated by Wellness & You icons. These healthy food items are identified by one of four different icons indicating if the item is vegan, vegetarian, Wellness and You/healthy or Wellness and You/sodium controlled. Brochures available in several locations in the cafeteria explain healthy eating.

For more information about the Wellness & You program please go to: