September 23, 2010

Caprioli’s research achievements honored

Caprioli’s research achievements honored

Richard Caprioli, Ph.D., director of Vanderbilt's Mass Spectrometry Research Center, received international recognition this week for his contributions to the fields of mass spectrometry and proteomics.

Richard Caprioli, Ph.D.

Richard Caprioli, Ph.D.

On Thursday, Sept. 23, Caprioli received the 2010 Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) Distinguished Achievement Award in Proteomic Sciences at HUPO's 9th annual World Congress in Sydney, Australia.

In November, he will be recognized for “Outstanding Achievements in Mass Spectrometry” at the Eastern Analytical Symposium and Exposition (EAS) in Somerset, N.J.

Mass spectrometry provides an increasingly valuable and versatile set of tools to help scientists identify proteins, to study interactions between proteins, and to map the location of proteins within tissue.

Caprioli, the Stanley Cohen Professor of Biochemistry and professor of Chemistry, Medicine and Pharmacology, has pioneered techniques such as imaging mass spectrometry to study the location and movement of proteins that are potential drug targets or biomarkers for disease.