W. Russell Ries, M.D.
Chair to spur facial plastic surgery opportunities
W. Russell Ries, M.D., who was recently named the first holder of the Carol and John S. Odess Chair in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in the Department of Otolaryngology, says that the chair will open up a number of new avenues for growth.
“This chair offers the opportunity for furthering education and excellence in the area of facial plastic surgery,” he said. “New procedures and advances require us to never stop learning. Through courses, seminars and guest lectures, I hope to bring cutting edge technologies and procedures to Vanderbilt.”
Ries had a chance to personally thank Carol Odess for her work in establishing the chair at a reception in November. The Odess family, including her late husband, John S. Odess, M.D., was instrumental in founding the John S. Odess Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Clinic, a state-of-the-art facility that accommodates more than 20,000 annual patient visits and facilitated the continued growth of the faculty.
“I believe this is the first chair in the U.S. dedicated to facial plastic surgery and reconstructive surgery,” Ries said.
“This will benefit our patients and enhance the education of our residents.”
As examples of this, Ries said he planned to expand current research in the use of lasers for facial plastic surgery and reconstructive surgery, and investigate the possibility of creating a fellowship at VUMC dedicated to the field.
Ries is a graduate of the University of Tennessee School of Medicine. He did postgraduate training at the University of Tennessee Memphis Health Science Center, Northwestern University Medical School and Tulane University Medical Center.
He has been a member of the Vanderbilt faculty since 1986.