March 19, 2004

Children’s Hospital to benefit from international soccer tournament

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Predicted structural model for the sodium channel C-terminal region, highlighting the EF-hand loop in yellow, with a blue calcium ion bound. The red amino acid (bottom center) is one that is mutated in long QT syndrome, which predisposes patients to life-threatening arrhythmias.

Soccer World sporting goods specialty shop has chosen Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital as a beneficiary of Soccer World Super Clasico (SWSC), the first major international soccer match to be held in Tennessee. Vanderbilt Children’s CEO Jim Shmerling joined representatives of Soccer World, the two participants, the LA Galaxy and the UAG Tecos, and Nashville Mayor Bill Purcell, last week at the Coliseum to make the announcement.

The “Super Clasico” will be held on Tuesday, April 20 at the Nashville Coliseum. Festivities begin at 6 p.m. The kickoff is at 7 p.m.

“We are thrilled to be one of the beneficiaries of this important event,” said Shmerling. “If you look at the families we serve, many are from countries where soccer is the national sport. An international event like this will be fun for many of the communities we serve who are already big fans of soccer and will be a great introduction for those who are new to the sport.”

“Soccer World Super Clasico gives Middle Tennesseans their first and only opportunity to see these two highly skilled teams and their internationally known stars,” said Soccer World co-owner Mark Weisman. “Soccer World Super Clasico will thrill anyone who is interested in our sport.”