Terri Rollins, right, with the Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital Pediatric Surgery billing office, creates a sundae as Sarah Sherrelle, left, and Marcelle Coburn wait their turn. Faculty and staff were invited to make their own sundaes for $1.50 as part of the Community Giving campaign. (photo by Dana Johnson)
Clinic Bowl benefits Vanderbilt rehab
As part of their annual Clinic Bowl fund-raising events, the Nashville Area Junior Chamber of Commerce (NAJCC) will be hosting a “Midnight in the Market” celebration on Thursday, Oct.18.
The Clinic Bowl, the Tennessee High School football championships for the private school division, is the biggest fund-raising event of the year for the NAJCC. This year’s games will be held on Nov. 17 at Vanderbilt Stadium.
The “Midnight in the Market” festivities will take place at the Farmer’s Market in downtown Nashville from 6 p.m. to midnight. A live band, food, and drinks will be provided for those who attend. As the theme for the evening, the coordinators of the event ask that all in attendance wear black.
The money raised from this and other Clinic Bowl events will go toward a donation to Vanderbilt Stallworth Rehabilitation Hospital and VUH Rehabilitation Services by the NAJCC.
At this year’s Clinic Bowl kick-off event on Aug. 28, the NAJCC presented a check for the 2000 contribution to Ellen Johnson, director of Rehabilitation Services, totaling over $35,000.