Colorectal cancer care focus of Webinar
Barbara Murphy, M.D., associate professor of Medicine, will discuss efforts to improve colorectal cancer care during a free live Webinar, Wednesday, Jan. 27, from 7-8 p.m.

Barbara Murphy, M.D.
Murphy is director of the Cancer Supportive Care Program at Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, which provides services for patients with challenging symptom control issues.
Murphy will discuss some of the newest advances in cancer care. She also will focus on methods to manage the disease and treatment-related side effects, including pain, neuropathy, skin rash, digestive issues, fatigue, “chemo brain” and mouth sores.
Murphy chairs the Pain and Symptom Management Program Research Team, a multi-disciplinary group of investigators representing numerous schools, divisions and departments within Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
The research team is dedicated to investigating symptom control and functional, psychiatric and quality of life issues facing cancer patients and their families.
In addition, she serves as clinical director for the Supportive Care Clinic, which provides services for patients with challenging symptom control issues.
The Webinar is presented by the Colon Cancer Alliance in partnership with VICC.
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