May 11, 2007

Commencement ’07

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School of Medicine — Jeffrey Bontrager, here with wife, Sarah, and sons Ethan, 4, and Samuel, 2 weeks, will receive his School of Medicine degree during today’s graduation ceremony. Then it’s off to Indiana University School of Medicine, for a residency in Medicine-Pediatrics. (photo by Anne Rayner)

School of Nursing — Amber Worrell will be participating in the School of Nursing investiture ceremony today at Branscomb Quadrangle.  Worrell, a family nurse practitioner graduate, entered the program as a non-nurse with an anthropology degree.  Worrell was the first student in 20 years to opt to prepare a master's thesis in addition to VUSN's comprehensive nursing curriculum. She is working at Nashville Family Healthcare in East Nashville. (photo by Susan Urmy)

School of Nursing — Amber Worrell will be participating in the School of Nursing investiture ceremony today at Branscomb Quadrangle. Worrell, a family nurse practitioner graduate, entered the program as a non-nurse with an anthropology degree. Worrell was the first student in 20 years to opt to prepare a master's thesis in addition to VUSN's comprehensive nursing curriculum. She is working at Nashville Family Healthcare in East Nashville. (photo by Susan Urmy)