Photo by Dana Johnson
The Vanderbilt Community Giving Campaign Allocations Committee is seeking applications from campus-affiliated organizations that offer direct social services to the Nashville community.
Each year, Vanderbilt conducts a community giving campaign among its employees that raises in excess of $800,000 to support non-profit health and human service organizations in Nashville. The Allocations Committee is responsible for distributing the gifts that are not designated to a specific charity. This year, the committee has $35,981 available to allocate to applying programs.
The 2006 Allocations Committee is made up of faculty, administrative/ex-officio members and staff and is chaired by Kevin Myatt, associate vice chancellor for Human Resources and chief human resource officer.
Interested programs should submit an application, program description and a proposed budget by 5 p.m. on March 15. To request an application, contact: Vanderbilt Community Giving Campaign Allocations Committee, c/o Office of Internal Campaigns, VU Station B 357500, or e-mail community.giving@vanderbilt.edu.
For more information, call 343-8759.