August 26, 2005

Degryse’s teaching efforts land CANDLE Award

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Susan Canon

Degryse’s teaching efforts land CANDLE Award

Amber Degryse, M.D., a second-year resident in Internal Medicine, was chosen by students for this month's CANDLE (Caring, Advocating, Nurturing, Determination, Leadership and Empathy) Award.

The honor is given to individuals who have devoted themselves to teaching and mentoring.

Recipients are nominated and chosen based upon their positive impact on the lives of physicians-in-training, and are recognized by their students as examples of excellence in medical education.

“Dr. Degryse was extremely knowledgeable and was eager to take time out of her day to sit down with the students working with her and teach them (she was the only person to take time to explain ventilator settings in detail to me),” one of her nominators wrote.

“I always felt at ease with her and she went out of her way to include me as a member of the team.

“Dr. Degryse was always respectful of everyone she came into contact with and I feel very lucky to have worked with her during my third year. She is a wonderful example of what a model intern should be.”