September 6, 2002

Department of Finance moving to West End

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Mark M. Davis, Ph.D.

During October the VUMC department of finance will begin moving from the VUMC campus to a nearby office tower, Crystal Terrace, 3319 West End Ave.

Medical center payroll will remain at S-2311 Medical Center North. Patient accounting will remain at its Blakemore Avenue location and the VMG business office will remain at its Belcourt Avenue location.

Staff positions affected by the move include the office of finance and VMG coding. The department is currently spread among seven campus and off-campus locations.

The department’s customers are concerned about relocation of the high customer-traffic demand check office (currently at CC-2100 MCN), which processes internal transactions, including check requests and travel authorizations. Regular shuttle and courier services are included in the relocation plan.

The department will also maintain limited “swing” space in MCN for meetings and secondary office needs.