January 12, 2012

Disabilities training grant renewed for five years

The Vanderbilt Leadership Education in Neurodevelop-mental Disabilities (LEND) training grant has been renewed for $2.9 million over five years.

The purpose of the grant is to reduce and prevent neurodevelopmental and other related disabilities in children and to increase access to family-centered, community-based, culturally competent interdisciplinary services.

“Tennessee and the nation face an urgent need for leaders in health care for children and youth with neurodevelopmental disabilities,” said Terri Urbano, Ph.D., MPH, R.N., director of the Vanderbilt LEND and professor of Clinical Pediatrics. “The renewal of the Vanderbilt LEND training grant will mitigate that need.”

LEND trainees represent multiple disciplines, including audiology, nursing, pediatric medicine, psychology, religion, social work and speech and language pathology.

“The LEND is making considerable impact on the care that children with developmental disabilities receive by educating the health care professionals who care for them,” said Tyler Reimschisel, M.D., associate director of LEND and director of the Division of Developmental Medicine.

The Vanderbilt LEND is part of a national network of 43 programs that promotes the health of children with neurodevelopmental and related disabilities by training professionals for leadership roles.

Funding for the grant is from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, the Health Resources and Services Administration and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.