Alan Leshner, Ph.D.
Doctors give insight on raising healthy children
Dr. William Wadlington, a pediatrician for more than 45 years, along with Dr. Clifton Meador and Marietta Howington have written a book on how to raise healthy and happy children.
The book, “How to Raise Healthy and Happy Children: A Pediatrician’s Pearls for Parents,” offers support and guidance for problems that arise when raising children. It includes 409 “pearls of wisdom” for parents on problems related to everything from managing a child’s temper tantrums to teaching responsibility.
“A pediatrician must be concerned about every facet of children’s lives in order to help guide them to optimal health and wholeness,” Wadlington writes.
This is the second book Wadlington has written with Meador. In 1998, the two wrote “Pearls for a Pediatric Practice I,” which was written for pediatric residents and doctors just embarking on a career as a pediatrician.
“Clearly the child is the product of the parents,” writes Meador. “Hence you will find many pearls directed at the health and behavior of the parent. Healthy parents generate healthy children and perhaps vice versa.”
The paperback book is $10.95 and can be purchased from Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital Development Office by phone, mail or in person. The office is located at 2424 Garland Avenue.. The phone number is 322-7450.
Proceeds from the sale of the book will benefit Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital and the Health Hall at Cumberland Science Museum.