Dr. Ray DuBois will direct the new center.
E-day is Monday, Feb. 18 and will affect people with a VUnetID e-password—an enhanced security authentication service that allows users to access information through the E-business Web page.
Beginning Monday, employees must use the password to access VUmail, VUMC Exchange mail, VUspace, the VUaccess dial-up modem pool, and the MIS firewall.
Those without an e-password will not be affected. To test an existing e-password before E-day, visit https://vunetid.vanderbilt.edu/epassword/ and click on the “My E-password Options” link. If unsuccessful, follow the directions at the site to obtain a new password. After E-day, secured e-mail client software must be used if you use VUmail. VUMC Exchange/Outlook mail clients have already been made secure. Lotus Notes is not affected by E-day. Contact your LAN manager or Network Computing Services to determine if existing e-mail clients need to be secured or replaced.
For more information about E-day, visit www.vanderbilt.edu/eday/.