Medical Center leadership answers the tough questions about what the elevate program is and what it means for the people who work at VUMC.
Question: Why do doctors and nurses have lounges for their convenience, but not staff such as those in nutrition services and environmental services?
Answer: VUMC does provide break areas for service employees, including employees in nutrition services and environmental services. The Courtyard Café is the break area for nutrition services staff working in the main cafeteria, as well as for other work groups headquartered near the center of campus.
Staff who work in the main kitchen have their own break room. For smaller groups spread around the campus, and for decentralized groups such as environmental services, satellite break areas are provided in Medical Center North and in all medical research buildings.
Physicians and nurses frequently work 12-hour shifts, and because of the particular demands of patient care it usually makes sense to provide break areas for these employees close to where they see their patients. That's why hospital units and clinics tend to have their own break areas.
— Cyril Stewart, director, VUMC facilities planning