Medical Center leadership answers the tough questions about what the elevate program is and what it means for the people who work at VUMC.
Q: How can I encourage my staff to participate in elevate when I feel undervalued?
A: I'm sorry you've been discouraged in this way. People sometimes don't take time to give each other recognition when things are going well, and if this describes your supervisor, I hope his or her shortcomings in this regard won't, in the end, keep you from encouraging your own staff and supporting them as you would want to be supported.
You might consider telling your supervisor what it is that you need from him or her to do your job well. Through elevate, we're working toward a culture in which more employees feel valued, so this might be considered an especially good time to be talking over this question. If you would like professional advice about how to broach this topic with your supervisor, consider calling on counseling services provided by Vanderbilt Work/Life Connections-Employee Assistance Program, 936-1327.
—Harry R. Jacobson, M.D., vice chancellor for Health Affairs