October 5, 2007

Employee Celebration 2007 events

Featured Image

At last week’s Service Awards, Pamela Martin, who works at the <a href='http://www.vanderbilthealth.com/cancer'>Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center</a>, was awarded this year’s Medical Center Commodore Award by Harry Jacobson, M.D., left, and interim chancellor Nick Zeppos. (photo by Dana Johnson)

At last week’s Service Awards, Pamela Martin, who works at the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, was awarded this year’s Medical Center Commodore Award by Harry Jacobson, M.D., left, and interim chancellor Nick Zeppos. (photo by Dana Johnson)

October 5

VUH Gift Shop Discount Day

Noon-1 p.m. — Mindful Eating: Learn How and Why You Eat to Make Healthier Choices (415 Light Hall)

4-6 p.m. — The Big Finale! (Olin Terrace)

October 6

Road Trip: VU vs. Auburn (call 343-1402)