Elaine Wood, left, and Angel An show off the hats they made at Employee Celebration Month’s Tuesday kickoff. See page 8 for more photos from the day’s events.
Photo by Anne Rayner

Janet Frazier puts her name in the hopper for door prizes at Tuesday’s kickoff.
Photo by Susan Urmy

Neader Williams, left, asks a question of the wise Health Plus Wizard, also known as Jim Kendall, during the Celebration kickoff.
Photo by Susan Urmy

It’s not easy to remain stylish after being plunged into a dunk tank, but Lynn Webb, chief of staff of the VUSM dean’s office, managed to pull it off.
Photo by Anne Rayner

Cherese Hallums cuts loose during Tuesday Night’s Vanderbilt Idol competition.
Susan Urmy
Celebration events: Sept. 8-15
September 8
5 a.m.-8 p.m. — Know Your Numbers (HealthPlus)
noon-1 p.m. — Brown Bag, Douglas Schmidt, Ph.D., “The World is Flat and What You Can Do About It” (363 Sarratt)
1-2 p.m. — Brown Bag, Dianne Harris, “Breast Health Issues that Could Save Your Life” (419 A-D Light Hall)
5-9 p.m. — Softball Tournament rain date (Recreation Center fields)
5-8 p.m. — HealthPlus faculty and staff Swim Night (Campus Recreation Center)
7-9 p.m. — Vanderbilt Night at the Shakespeare Festival (Centennial Park)
September 9
Half-price at Nashville Shores for Vanderbilt employees (4001 Bell Road, Hermitage)
8 a.m.-2 p.m. — Know Your Numbers (HealthPlus)
9 a.m. — Road trip to Alabama for Vanderbilt vs. 'Bama football game (Tuscaloosa, Ala.)
September 10
Half-price at Nashville Shores for Vanderbilt employees (4001 Bell Road, Hermitage)
3-5 p.m. — Family movie, Disney's “Chicken Little” (Children's Hospital theater)
September 11
noon-1 p.m. — Brown Bag, “How to Navigate Involvement as a High School Parent” (Peabody fireside room)
2-4 p.m. — Service Awards celebration (Memorial Gymnasium practice gym)
September 12
noon-1 p.m. — Brown Bag, “Not Necessarily Cut Flowers … Tablescaping and Decorating with Found Objects” (189 Sarratt)
7-9 p.m. — Night at the Dyer Observatory (Dyer Observatory)
September 13
11 a.m.-1 p.m. — Fun Run/Walk! (Buttrick Hall/NMR Building)
noon-1 p.m. — Brown Bag, Bill Dickinson, “Huh? I Can Hear Everbody But My Wife!” C-2209 MCN)
September 14
6:30 a.m. — Know Your Numbers (2703 TVC)
noon-1 p.m. — Brown Bag, Sgt. Gary Kemper, Nashville Police Dept., “Gangs in Nashville” (363 Sarratt)
5-8 p.m. — Writers Night (Schulman Center)
September 15
noon-1 p.m. — Volunteerism in the Workplace (363 Sarratt)
noon-1 p.m. — Walking tour of campus (meet in front of Kirkland Hall)
1-2 p.m. — Brown Bag, Eric Clauss, “Protecting Your Child from Illness and Injury” (214 Light Hall)