September 16, 2005

Employee Celebration: This week’s events

Featured Image

Demikia Sawyers of Environmental Services parties on the dance floor with some of her co-workers during Monday’s Night Owl Howl party for those who work the night shift. For more photos from the Howl, and a list of this week’s Employee Celebration Month events, see page 6.
photo by Dana Johnson


11 a.m.-noon — Blessing of Hands (4212 MCE South Tower).

Noon-1 p.m. — Brown Bag, Larry Churchill, “The Case of Terry Schiavo: Legal, Medical, and Ethical Perspectives” (189 Sarratt). Although tragic, the plight of Terri Schiavo provides a valuable case study. The conflicts and misunderstandings surrounding Mrs. Schiavo's situation offer important lessons in medicine, law and ethics. Despite media saturation and intense public interest, widespread confusion lingers with regard to the diagnosis of Persistent Vegetative State (PVS), the judicial processes involved and the appropriateness of the ethical framework utilized by those entrusted with Terri Schiavo's care. The presentation will include the case's legal history, including how the court understood the medical diagnosis of PVS, and alternative ethical frameworks for understanding the Schiavo case. Ample opportunity for questions and discussion will follow the presentation with the hope that this brown bag session results in less apprehension regarding the presumed mysteries of legal proceedings and greater appreciation of the ethical principles at work in this provocative case.

12:30-1:15 p.m. — Brown Bag, Lisa Mendes, M.D., “Women and Heart Disease” First Tennessee Theater, VCH. Mendes will be speaking about women and heart disease, specifically about the risk factors that predispose women to this disease. She will also be covering current recommendations for minimizing an individual's risk.


6:30-7:30 p.m. — Blessing of Hands (VUH Chapel).


11 a.m.-noon — Blessing of Hands (S-3407 MCN); 9-10 p.m. (VUH 9112).

Dyer Observatory

You won't want to miss a visit to Vanderbilt's 'mountaintop campus,' home to Dyer Observatory. It's a great opportunity to find out what's happening in our skies and in the field of space exploration. If the weather cooperates, you'll have the chance to look through the Seyfert telescope for some awesome celestial viewing. Reservations required. E-mail Nancy Dwyer to save your spot at or call 373-4897. See www.dyer. for more information and directions.


11 a.m.-1 p.m. — Blessing of Hands (Dayani Center Conference Room).

2-4 p.m. — Employee Recognition Ceremony (Practice Gym inside Memorial Gymnasium).

5:30 p.m. — Tuneful Tuesday, International Dance (Schulman Center Stage).


11 a.m.-noon — Blessing of Hands (7011 VCH).

11 a.m.-1 p.m. — Fun Walk/Run. Three check points for start/finish- Stevenson Ctr., Flagpole at Alumni Lawn or 21st Ave. Cross Bridge on Peabody Campus. Your $5 donation benefits the EAP Hardship Fund. Entertainment and prizes all along

the route!

Noon-1 p.m. — Historical Walking Tour of Campus, Lyle Lankford. Everyone will meet on front steps of Kirkland Hall. If trees, paths, buildings, and sculpture could talk, what an interesting story they could weave of days gone by. Take this one-hour walk into the past to link with Vanderbilt's rich history as it has shaped our present and could possibly project our future.


11 a.m.-noon — Blessing of Hands (6152 DOT, VCH); 9-10 p.m. (VUH 6218).

Noon-12:55 p.m. — Brown Bag, Oasis Center, “You Can Raise a Responsible Teen” (208 Light Hall); 4-5:25 p.m. (C22-9 MCN).

1-3 p.m. — Know Your Numbers (Owen Room 106).

3-5 p.m. — Taste at Vandy (Light Hall Breezeway). Local restaurant owners will bring a sampling of their favorite dishes for VU employees to taste. Participants include Mirror, Park Cafe, Roly Poly Sandwiches, Ben & Jerry's, White Trash Café, Jackson’s, Mellow Mushroom, and others. $2 admission to benefit the Employee Assistance Program Hardship Fund.


9:30-10:30 a.m. — Blessing of Hands (VUH 8108-9).

Noon-1 p.m. — Brown Bag, John Byrne, M.D., “Sighted Cardiac Surgery” (206 PRB). Byrne will discuss Vanderbilt's 'hybrid' OR/cath lab, which enables cardiac surgeons and interventional cardiologists to perform image-guided surgery, 'hybrid' revascularizations and minimally invasive surgery. Vanderbilt is among the first in the U.S. to offer this approach.

Noon-1 p.m. — Brown Bag, Mark Cannon, “Coaching for Professional Development: what is it and what's in it for you?” (Fireside Reading Room, Peabody Library).