September 20, 2002

Employee Celebration weekly events

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From left, Susie Lyons, Sheila Gad, Carol Simpson, and many other night shift employees get a groove on during the Night Owl Howl party held last week to celebrate the night shift employees. (photos by Dana Johnson)

April Edwards, a nurse technician, laughs as the disco music plays at the Night Owl Howl.

April Edwards, a nurse technician, laughs as the disco music plays at the Night Owl Howl.

Eddie Gift, a clinical supply specialist, sings "Soul Man" to a crowd of cheering fans.

Eddie Gift, a clinical supply specialist, sings "Soul Man" to a crowd of cheering fans.

Hattie Greer of Environmental Services won a $50 gift certificate to Dillard’s.

Hattie Greer of Environmental Services won a $50 gift certificate to Dillard’s.


All day – Additional 10% discount at VU Bookstores

9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. – Health Plus Health Risks Appraisals, Owen Averbuch Auditorium

Noon – Brown Bag Lunch Series – “Workplace Status Hierarchies,” David Owens, asssistant professor of Management, Room 216 Owen

8 p.m. – Dianne Reeves concert, co-sponsored by Great Performances, Langford Auditorium, $5


Football Road Trip to Oxford Mississippi to watch Vanderbilt take on Ole Miss – Kick-off 11:30 a.m. Call Bill Hamburg at 2-6944 for details.

3 p.m. – Family Matinee at Sarratt Cinema, “Shrek.” Free admission, popcorn, and drinks; co-sponsored by Sarratt Film Committee


Silver Salute – Recognition for 25-year honorees

11 a.m. – 1 p.m. – Health Plus Health Risks Appraisals, Kennedy Center, Room 241

noon – Brown Bag Lunch Series – “Ultimate Tailgating” – caterer Sharon Johnson, Branscomb Rec. Room

Noon – 3:30 p.m. – Golf tournament at McCabe Golf Course. Call 343-8186 for information

4 p.m. – 6 p.m. – Tea Time and Music at the Schulman Center for Jewish Life


Noon – Historical Walking Tour of Campus – Felicity Peck, meet on front steps of Kirkland Hall. Call 2-3911 to register

Noon – Brown Bag Lunch Series – “Security in a ‘DotCom’ World,” Andrew Atwood, director, VUPD Crime Prevention, Branscomb Rec. Room – Door Prize Drawing

1 p.m. – Brown Bag Lunch Series – “Extraordinary Party Decorations with Ordinary Things,” Mark Weber and Mike Whitler of Branches; 189 Sarratt

4 p.m. – 6 p.m. – Tea Time and Music at the Schulman Center for Jewish Life

5:30 p.m. – Cancer Answer Evenings – “Ovarian Cancer: Keys to Detecting a Silent Killer,” VICC 8th Floor Conference Room

8 p.m. – Mike Eldred concert – Performance of Musical Theatre songs – Ingram Hall


Noon – Health Plus Walking Club, MCN Shuttle Drop Off

Noon – Brown Bag Lunch Series – “Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) Systems,” Demonstration by VU Police Department RAD Instructors; Branscomb Rec Room – Door Prize Drawing

Noon – “World on Wednesdays: First Friends.” Learn about the program and those who have benefited from First Friends, 189 Sarratt. Call 2-2753 to register.

12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. – Health Plus Health Risks Appraisals, MCN S-3407

4 p.m. – 6 p.m. – Tea Time and Music at the Schulman Center for Jewish Life

5 p.m. – Occupational Health Clinic – “Self Care,” Light Hall Room 407 C-D

5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. – “Sense of Place – A Journaling Exercise,” Donna Culver, The Learning Center, Round Wing S-2400, Medical Center North. Call 2-3911 to register – Door Prize Drawing


Noon – Brown Bag Lunch Series – “Football for the Football Challenged,” David Williams, 208 Light Hall

6 p.m. – Vanderbilt Employee Softball Tournament. Contact for details

8 p.m. – 10 p.m. – “Songwriter Showcase at the Pub,” Sarratt Student Center, Overcup Oak Pub


Noon – Occupational Health Clinic – “Self Care,” HR Training Room, 2525 West End Bldg.

Noon – Historical Walking Tour of Campus – Lyle Lankford, meet on front steps of Kirkland Hall. Call 2-3911 to register

Noon – 1p.m. – Brown Bag Lunch Series- “The Good Life,” John Lachs, Centennial Professor Philosophy, 1312 Stevenson Center

5 p.m. – 8 p.m. – Health Plus Friends and Family Swim Night, Campus Rec. Center

8 p.m. – Blair String Quartet with pianist Amy Dorfman, Ingram Hall, $5


2:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. – Tailgate and announcement of Commodore Award recipients during football game


Noon – Brown Bag Lunch Series – “Are Kids Really Different or Is It Just Us?” Dale Farran, Professor Education, Teaching & Learning, Wyatt Center Rotunda

3:30 p.m. – Recognition Ceremony for 30-45 year honorees, Langford Hall

6 p.m. – Reception for 30-45 year honorees at Braeburn (invitation only)