January 14, 2005

Equipment move to force closures

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Mark Frisse, M.D.

On Saturday Jan. 15, from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m., weather permitting, equipment on the roof of Medical Center North will be replaced using a heavy lift helicopter. Garland Avenue from Stevenson drive to the circle turnaround and interior portions of MCN will be closed during this time. In the event of adverse weather the lift will occur on Sunday, Jan. 16.

During the actual lift, which is expected to take approximately one hour, pedestrian traffic in the staging area and adjacent building entrances will be restricted (the Eskind Biomedical Library main entrance will only be restricted while the helicopter is actually above the turnaround).

Patient pickup and drop-off that normally occurs at the Garland Avenue turn around will be re-routed to the old clinic canopy entrance at MCN RR-1200 from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m.

Patients, staff, and visitors wishing to travel from Vanderbilt University Hospital to the Round Wing during the helicopter lift will be requested to take the pedestrian tunnel under VUH or to wait temporarily for the area to be re-opened.