October 6, 2011

Expert on LGBT health disparities to speak Oct. 14

Expert on LGBT health disparities to speak Oct. 14

Shane Snowdon

Shane Snowdon

Snowdon is the founding director of the Center for LGBT Health & Equity at the University of California San Francisco, the country’s only LGBT resource in a health care or health education setting.

For more than a decade she’s been a leading voice for LGBT health equity and inclusion, providing training to hospitals, clinics, schools and professional groups nationwide.

She has received numerous honors for her work, including the Health Achievement Award of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association and is a member of the Human Rights Campaign’s Healthcare Equality Index National Advisory Council.

Her visit to Nashville is part of the HRC’s Equality Bus tour through the Plains and southern states providing education about LGBT concerns.

Snowden’s lecture will be: “LGBT Patient-Centered Care: Information & Best Practices from the Institute of Medicine and The Joint Commission.”

“Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius called on health care and education to attend to the unique concerns of LGBT patients and their families after the Institute of Medicine issued a groundbreaking report this year on the health disparities and challenges they face,” said Andre Churchwell, M.D., associate dean for Diversity in Graduate Medical Education and Faculty Affairs.

“This lecture will provide an update on these developments and a discussion of best practices to ensure equitable and inclusive care for this patient group.”

To rsvp for a free lunch, go to http://action.hrc.org/site/Calendar?id=105723&view=Detail.