Employee Celebration Month, which made its highly successful debut last September, has returned again for a second year. The month-long event, honoring Vanderbilt faculty and staff for their service, will kick-off Tuesday, Sept. 2 on Library Lawn.
Throughout the day, staff who have worked at Vanderbilt five-20 years may pick up their service pins, as well as faculty who have served five-45 years. Staff who have served 10, 15 or 20 years may also pick up an additional gift.
Representatives from Tennessee Donor Services will be on hand all day to provide information about organ donation and to recognize those who have signed their donor card or their driver’s license with a gift.
The full day of activities begins at 7 a.m. and will include free hot air balloon rides, t-shirts and a light breakfast. Vandy’s Big Chill will be held for the first time from 2-6 p.m. offering several varieties of ice cream and non-alcoholic frozen drinks. Vanderbilt’s own Soul Incision and the Placebos will perform during kick-off activities.
Faculty and staff may enter drawings for door prizes and other prizes including round trip airline tickets, lunch and a round of golf with Harry Jacobson and other prizes.
Interested faculty and staff may participate in “Vander-Built-by-U,” by decorating six-inch tiles with the new Vanderbilt logo. The tiles may be picked up during kick-off, and should be turned in to the Medical Art Group by Friday, Sept. 12. Tiles will be arranged for display at the Peabody-Vanderbilt bridge during the finale Tuesday, Sept. 30 from 4-6 p.m.
Vanderbilt’s annual tailgate party will be held Saturday, Sept. 6 before the football game against UT-Chattanooga.
For more information, contact Susie Lyons at 322-0698 or visit www.vanderbilt.edu/employeecelebration.
For a full list of events, see page 3.