September 27, 2002

Fall Safety Fair begins Oct. 2

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Dr. Steven Gabbe officially started this year’s JDRF Walk. (photo by Peyton Hogue)

The VUMC Fall Safety Fair will be held Oct. 2-4, 7-8 in the Learning Center, S-2435 MCN (The Round Wing). Open 7 a.m.-6 p.m., all faculty and staff are encouraged to participate in the event.

Faculty and staff who attended the Spring 2002 Safety Fair, new employees who completed Hearts and Minds orientation within the past nine months, and employees who have completed annual safety training requirements in their unit/department are not required to attend the fall safety fair.

Three levels of safety training are offered. Universal safety training, covering ergonomics, hazard communication, fire prevention, emergency preparedness, and personal safety, is recommended for all VUMC staff. Universal safety is included at all three levels. The next level, research laboratory safety, adds training for chemical safety in the laboratory, laboratory specific bloodborne pathogens, and handling and disposal of hazardous waste. Patient contact safety training involves standard precautions for bloodborne pathogens, infection control, TB precautions, latex allergy awareness, Sharps safety devices, and Glutaraldehyde/Cidex.

The following clinical stations are only open 7 a.m.-noon and 2-6 p.m.: point-of-care testing, mock code, advanced airway, and defibrillation.

Employees need to check with managers to determine which training is required. Contact Celestine Rhodes-Jones at 322-2806 for more information.