Vanderbilt Medical Center employees are invited to attend the “Love Your Heart Expo” from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 26, in the north lobby of Light Hall.
Love Your Heart Expo is part of Count on Your Health, a heart-health initiative sponsored by Health Plus, Vanderbilt Heart & Vascular Institute, Nutrition Services and the Kim Dayani Center.
This is a free lunchtime health screening for employees that will include:
• A free cholesterol check (while glucose test supplies last) and personal consult with a Vanderbilt Heart & Vascular Institute cardiologist
• Know Your Numbers evaluation for blood pressure, weight and body fat percentage — compliments of Health Plus and the Occupational Health Clinic
• Ask the Dietitian, Cindy Osborne, L.D.N., Cardiovas-cular Medicine
• Ask the Counselor, Work/Life Connections-EAP
• Start! physical activity program sign-ups
• Drawings, demonstrations and more.