Ground was officially broken Saturday for the Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson Center for Otolaryngology and Communication Sciences and Musculoskeletal Institute. Construction of the eight-story building on 21st Avenue is expected to be completed in 2003. Pictured are, from left, Monroe Carell Jr., Fred Bess, Ph.D., Dr. Robert Ossoff, Martha Ingram, Jane Yount, Nancy Fawn Diehl, Gordon Gee, Judy Simmons, and Dr. Harry Jacobson. (photo by Tommy Lawson)

Dr. Dan Spengler, director of the Musculoskeletal Institute, addressed the crowd at the groundbreaking ceremony Saturday. The Musculoskeletal Institute will be housed in the new Bill Wilkerson Center. Chancellor Gordon Gee, Dean Steven Gabbe and Vice Chancellor Harry Jacobson also spoke at the ceremony. (photo by Tommy Lawson)