March 24, 2006

Harris lauded for dedication to equality

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Chris Harris, M.D.

Harris lauded for dedication to equality

Chris Harris, M.D., has been honored by the Tennessee Chapter of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) with its Equality Award.

The award, presented at the group's 11th annual Equality Dinner last week, is given each year to a Tennessean who has made a significant contribution towards equality for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people

“Dr. Harris was chosen because of his personal and professional dedication and persistence in the cause of equality. He has served as an outstanding role model for what parenting should be, gay or straight,” said Billy Leslie, Equality Dinner co-chair. “He has testified before Congress urging them to reject legislation that would define marriage between one man and one woman. Dr. Harris has set an example that we should all strive to follow.”

Harris, assistant professor of Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt, joined the faculty in 1998. He is director of the Pediatric Pulmonary Function Laboratory and associate director of the Cystic Fibrosis Center.

Harris serves as Faculty Advisor for VUSM’s Gay/Straight Alliance and for the VU Graduate and Professional Lesbian/Bisexual/Gay Student Association.