March 10, 2006

Hassan gets nod for latest CANDLE award

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J. Matthew Hassan, M.D.

Hassan gets nod for latest CANDLE award

J. Matthew Hassan, M.D., chief resident in Urologic Surgery, was chosen by Vanderbilt University School of Medicine students for the most recent CANDLE (Caring, Advocating, Nurturing, Determination, Leadership and Empathy) Award.

The honor is given to individuals who have devoted themselves to teaching and mentoring.

Recipients are nominated and chosen based upon their positive impact on the lives of physicians-in-training, and are recognized by their students as examples of excellence in medical education.

“I spent an extensive amount of time with Dr. Hassan in the operating room as well as in a clinical setting during rounds and teaching conferences,” one of his nominators wrote. “He is the most approachable, good natured resident I have worked with since coming to Vanderbilt. For someone with a busy surgical schedule and endless responsibilities, he was always conscientious of maximizing the students' experience on service.

“It's pretty easy as a medical student to feel lost in a busy operating room, but Dr. Hassan would routinely involve me in the cases and treated me like an equal. He has a great rapport with patients, colleagues and faculty and that is evident by the way he is received throughout the hospital.

“Dr. Hassan has not lost sight of what it's like to be a medical student in a hectic hospital, and that's why he is so pleasant to work with. He went out of his way to make sure I felt like I was a part of the team, and he is a major reason I am choosing Urology as my future profession.”