October 25, 1996

Hospital lobby renovation to pave way for smooth ride

Hospital lobby renovation to pave way for smooth ride

The short wheelchair ride through the lobby of Vanderbilt University Hospital is becoming a bit less bumpy.

Last week, work began on a renovation project to create carpeted paths leading from the bank of elevators, through the hospital's main lobby to the twin sets of front doors at the main entrance.

The four-week project involves removing some of the existing brick paving and replacing it with carpet to allow for a more uniformly level surface, said Norman B. Urmy, executive director of VUH.

"The brick paving, while beautiful, did create a bumpy ride for some of our wheelchair patients. The project we've undertaken will create a smooth pathway from the elevator to the doors," he said.

Brick paving will remain in the central area of the lobby surrounding the information desk. Existing carpet in the waiting areas which flank the lobby will be replaced to match the new carpet going in, said Ken Browning, director of Medical Center Plant Services.

The lobby renovation project will require the sequential closing of the entrances and restrooms and adjoining corridors. The lobby waiting areas will remain open during the entire project, which should be completed in approximately four weeks, Browning said.

The lobby is the first of two renovations slated for VUH. A second project, set to begin Nov. 4, involves replacing the floor tile, ceiling tile and wall covering in the corridors leading from Light Hall to The Vanderbilt Clinic (TVC), and radiological services to TVC.

This project also is expected to take about four weeks. Corridors will be restricted to one-half width during most of the floor replacement, but will remain open throughout the project.

The new floor tile in the corridors will include color highlights to serve as guides to help direct patients to different departments, Browning said.

During both projects, work will be done on nights and weekends when possible, Browning said.