December 6, 2002

HPV vaccine trial begins at Vanderbilt

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From left, Dr. Deborah C. German, Benita Stubbs, and Dr. Bonnie Miller share a laugh at German's farewell reception last week.. German, senior associate dean for Medical Education, has been named president and CEO of Saint Thomas Hospital, and senior vice president and chief academic officer for the Saint Thomas Health Services system. She assumed the position Dec. 1. (photo by Dana Johnson)

Vanderbilt is one of several trial sites in the world for a new human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.

Seventy-five women between the ages of 16 and 23 are needed to be in the study at Vanderbilt. The overall target number for the study is 20,000 participants worldwide. The vaccine is in phase 3 of human subject testing and is showing enormous potential from previous testing.

The four-year study is a double blind study with 50 percent of the subjects receiving placebo. Each subject will be asked to take three injections of vaccine over a six-month period. Data will also be collected by pap smears, urine and serum testing.

HPV, which has received national exposure in the media recently, is a sexually transmitted disease that infects 50 percent of the population at some point. There are more than 90 types of HPV, but four of the identified types are responsible for most cases of genital warts and for 70 percent of cervical cancer.

Contact study coordinator Jana Wheeler at 3-0784 or pager 835-7602 for more information.