May 25, 2007

Idea exchange leads to Singapore visit

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Roger Dmochowski, M.D.

Idea exchange leads to Singapore visit

Vanderbilt's Roger Dmochowski, M.D., recently was invited by the government of Singapore to travel to that city-state as part of its Ministry of Health's visiting expert series.

The series is a government-sponsored interchange with other developed countries for the purposes of medical education, lecturing and intra-operative education.

For five days, Dmochowski, professor of Urologic Surgery, exchanged ideas regarding pelvic organ prolapse, complex urinary incontinence and the management of complex iatrogenic and obstetric fistula disease involving the lower urinary tract (bladder and ureters).

While there, lectures were given regarding the management of pelvic pain, management of complex urinary incontinence, new concepts in the reconstruction of the female pelvis and topics in neurologic urinary dysfunction. Also, three complex cases were performed involving various aspects of female pelvic reconstruction.