August 10, 2001

Infants needed for vaccine study

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Lyda Earl Cook and Christopher Cook meet Indy race driver Robbie Buhl, right, during a recent vist to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital. Buhl is the national spokesperson for Racing for Kids, a national program designed to use the popularity of motorsports to bring public attention and funding to the health care needs of children. (photo by Dana Johnson)

The Pediatric Vaccine Practice at VUMC is currently enrolling infants into a phase II rotavirus study. Eighty percent of children will get gastroenteritis (vomiting, diarrhea and fever) in the first five years of life.

Participants will receive an oral vaccine that is given in two doses, at 6-12 weeks and at 4 months of age. There are four study visits at 12 months of age.

All currently recommended immunizations will be given at no cost. Children do not need to be part of the vaccine practice to participate. Compensation will be provided.

Contact Laura Winslow, FNP, or Kitty Miller, RN, at 322-2477 for more information.