March 23, 2001

Influenza addressed at Lamb Lectures

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The annual Lamb Lectures in Molecular Pathogenesis will be held Tuesday, April 3 at 3 p.m. and Wednesday, April 4 at noon. The lectures will be in 214 Light Hall.

Dr. Peter Palese, professor and chair of Microbiology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, is the guest lecturer. On Tuesday, Palese will discuss “Attenuation of Influenza Virus by Altering the Interferon Antagonist.” Wednesday’s topic will be “Intracellular Trafficking of Influenza Virus Components.”

Palese focuses on the replication of RNA-containing viruses, with special emphasis on the influenza viruses. His laboratory established the first genetic maps for influenza A, B, and C viruses. He was the first to define the function of the viral neuraminidase and determine the mechanism of action of neuraminidase inhibitors. More recent studies concern mechanisms of viral RNA nuclear transport and the role of individual influenza virus proteins in disease pathogenesis.

Palese has received numerous awards for his research, and last year, he was elected to the National Academy of Sciences.

The Lamb Lectures are sponsored by the Elizabeth B. Lamb Center for Pediatric Research, an interdisciplinary research unit combining interests in infectious diseases, microbiology, and immunology.