March 29, 2012

Jagasia new medical director of Eskind Diabetes Clinic

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Shubhada Jagasia, M.D., was recently named medical director of the Vanderbilt Eskind Diabetes Clinic. (photo by Joe Howell)

Jagasia new medical director of Eskind Diabetes Clinic

Shubhada Jagasia, M.D., has been appointed medical director of the Vanderbilt Eskind Diabetes Clinic.

She succeeds the clinic’s founding medical director, Thomas Elasy, M.D., MPH, who recently was named chief of the Division of General Internal Medicine and Public Health.

The Vanderbilt Eskind Diabetes Clinic opened in 2005 on the eighth floor of Medical Center East. It is named for the late Nashville physician and philanthropist Irwin B. Eskind, M.D.

Jagasia received her M.D. from Seth G.S. Medical College and King Edward Memorial Hospital in Mumbai, India, completed her Endocrinology fellowship at Vanderbilt, and joined the faculty in 2000.

An expert in gestational diabetes and other endocrine diseases in pregnancy, Jagasia established the Gestational Diabetes Program at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, which she will continue to direct.

She is an associate professor of Medicine and is enrolled in the Masters of Management of Health Care program at Vanderbilt’s Owen Graduate School of Management.

“We are very fortunate to have Dr. Jagasia lead the Eskind Diabetes Clinic, which is the major site for both adult and pediatric diabetes care at Vanderbilt,” said Alvin Powers, M.D., director of the Vanderbilt Diabetes Center and chief of the Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolism.

“We have outstanding adult and pediatric endocrinologists who practice in the Eskind Clinic,” Powers said. “Dr. Jagasia is beginning a series of initiatives to expand and enhance our patient care.”

“I look forward to the opportunity of advancing our clinical practice to the next level with a focus on comprehensive diabetes and endocrinology care, improving quality of care and patient engagement,” Jagasia said.

The clinic logs more than 50,000 patient visits a year. It provides comprehensive diabetes and endocrinology care, including diabetes education, nutritional support, and subspecialty services such as podiatry, maternal fetal medicine, cardiology, endocrine surgery and neurosurgery.

This one-stop, multidisciplinary approach enables the clinic to address the multi-faceted aspects of diabetes management while enhancing patient satisfaction and reducing costs, Jagasia said.

Recently the clinic was recognized by the American Diabetes Association (ADA), as a provider of diabetes education for adults. It previously was recognized in pediatric and gestational diabetes education, and now is one of the few clinics in the country recognized in all three areas.

Jagasia credited the clinic’s “very dedicated group” of health practitioners for earning the additional ADA recognition, which she said “will help us reach out to a wider segment of our local population and promote improved health and diabetes outcomes.”