March 13, 1998

Lineup set for VUSM’s World Health Week

Lineup set for VUSM's World Health Week

Neonatal Tetanus will be the subject of the keynote speech during Vanderbilt University School of Medicine¹s World Health Week, which runs Thursday, March 19 through Thursday, March 26.

Dr. Marc LaForce, chair of the steering committee on epidemiology and field research with the World Health Organization¹s Global Programme on Vaccines, will deliver the keynote paper, titled "The Control of Neonatal Tetanus: An International Success Story," at noon on Thursday, March 19.

On Friday, March 20 at noon, the annual International Food Fiesta and Poster Displays will be held in the third floor lounge of Light Hall.

Also speaking at World Health Week will be Dr. Bill Magee, co-founder of Operation Smile International. Magee¹s talk, entitled ³Changing the World One Smile at a Time,² will be on Monday, March 23 at 5:30 p.m.

Dr. Derrick Matthews, former medical director of Metet Hospital in Cameroon, will speak on Tuesday, March 24 at noon. He will talk on ³Life-Changing Experiences in Cameroon.²

At noon on Thursday, March 26, Dr. Roger Smalligan, assistant professor of Pediatrics at VUMC, will speak on ³Hospital Vozandes: Caring for the Poor of Eastern Ecuador.²

All talks will be held in 208 Light Hall.

Students, faculty and the public are welcome to attend any or all sessions.

The purpose of World Health Week is to provide exposure to international health issues to students, faculty and the general public. It is also intended as a means of demonstrating to students the opportunities that are available for using a medical degree in an international setting.

World Health Week is sponsored by the Committee on International Medical Education Experiences. The week¹s events are planned and organized by VUSM students. The medical school instituted Vanderbilt¹s World Health Week Lecture Series in 1986.