February 2, 2012

Magnet update

Magnet update

During the upcoming Magnet Site visit Feb. 20-24, four appraisers will be on campus and visiting the clinics to talk with staff and validate that the key elements of a Magnet organization exist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

It is very important for everyone involved in direct care to be comfortable talking about everyday practices.

Specifically, everyone should know the example from their unit or department that was included in the Vanderbilt Magnet application.

Additionally, teams should take a few minutes to identify the positive things about their areas to highlight to the appraisers.

The following are some sample questions to think about ahead of time:

• What quality initiatives are in place in your work area and what is your role in them?

• How has your professional development been supported as a Vanderbilt nurse?

• What avenues are there for you to have a voice in your practice?

• How would you address concerns you might have about care issues?

• What are some ways that you are recognized for your work?

• How have you seen research used in nursing initiatives at Vanderbilt?

• How does technology support your work as a nurse at Vanderbilt?

For more resources, visit Magnet Site Visit Prep Questions at https://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/vunet/vumc.php?site=Magnet%20Website&doc=33312.

To review the Magnet document, visit