April 13, 2007

Medical School students award CANDLE to Antevil

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Jared Antevil, M.D.

Medical School students award CANDLE to Antevil

Jared Antevil, M.D., resident in Thoracic Surgery, was recently chosen by Vanderbilt University School of Medicine students to receive the CANDLE (Caring, Advocating, Nurturing, Determination, Leadership and Empathy) Award.

The honor is given to individuals who have devoted themselves to teaching and mentoring.

Recipients are nominated and chosen based upon their positive impact on the lives of physicians-in-training, and are recognized by their students as examples of excellence in medical education.

“Jared puts the care of the patient above everything else, and knows how to talk and relate to all kinds of people, from every walk of life,” one of his nominators wrote. “With Jared as our leader on Thoracic Surgery, I became an active member of the team on inpatient rounds.

“If an interesting or educational consult came in, Jared would encourage me to work the patient up and then present a plan to him. This inevitably required him to spend more time, but he gladly did so.

“Jared has a true love of teaching and went above and beyond what would ever be expected of a resident by taking full responsibility for my learning. He is an advocate for students; on one occasion, he asked an attending on another service if I could scrub in for a case because it was something that he knew I was interested in learning about.

“Jared became one of the finest mentors I have ever had. He is a role model who will continue to influence me for many years to come.”