May 25, 2007

Medical students tap Mansour for CANDLE Award

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Alfred Mansour, M.D.

Medical students tap Mansour for CANDLE Award

Alfred Mansour, M.D., resident in Orthopaedic Surgery, was recently chosen by Vanderbilt University School of Medicine students to receive the CANDLE (Caring, Advocating, Nurturing, Determination, Leadership and Empathy) Award.

The honor is given to individuals who have devoted themselves to teaching and mentoring.

Recipients are nominated and chosen based upon their positive impact on the lives of physicians-in-training, and are recognized by their students as examples of excellence in medical education.

“From the beginning, Dr. Mansour took the time to teach by example, as he realized what it is like to be a medical student and the transition that must be made to the internship level,” one of his nominators wrote.

“I was put in the front line, as on call days he would make me the point person for all questions concerning the floor. I made many mistakes, but was never made to feel incompetent, and I learned more about the decision-making process behind medicine than throughout all my other rotations.

“He made sure that I was given exposure to all the procedures that would be expected of me as an intern. Although he himself could have easily done these procedures and made me watch, he put me in there.

“Dr. Mansour has wonderful patient skills and is always full of enthusiasm and energy. His work ethic and commitment toward whatever team he works on is astounding and admirable. He has given me a goal to aim for throughout my fourth year, and I hope that one day I can be as good a mentor to medical students as he was for me.”