May 9, 2008

Meetings spur research plan ideas

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Tara Huss, M.D.

Meetings spur research plan ideas

Vanderbilt Medical Center must find new ways to reward innovative research, nurture students and young faculty, and measure the progress of its basic science.

Researchers need a comprehensive, in-house, searchable database so they can collaborate more effectively.

An external advisory board of high-caliber researchers could help raise the visibility of Vanderbilt's basic scientists in the national and international arenas.

Those were some of the ideas that emerged from two town hall meetings held last month. Each meeting drew 50 to 85 people to discuss ways to strengthen the basic science perspective in the Medical Center's Research Enterprise Strategic Plan.

Six faculty committees have been working since last fall on the following elements of the basic science effort: enhancing communication, sharing research information, measuring progress, remaining competitive in research, graduate and post-doctoral education, and enhancing the reputation of Vanderbilt research.

The committees presented their draft recommendations for discussion during the meetings, and will continue to accept comments on a blog — — through mid-May.

Ultimately these ideas will be distilled into a basic science addendum to the Research Enterprise Strategic Plan —

For more information about the process, contact Cindy Sircy in the Office of Research at 343-0729.