April 28, 2011

Melbourne, VU partnership seeking research proposals

Melbourne, VU partnership seeking research proposals

The Melbourne-Vanderbilt University Partnership Grants Program is now accepting applications to fund collaborative research proposals in health and medical sciences, physical and biological sciences, and social sciences and humanities.
Proposals are due no later than June 30.

The Melbourne-Vanderbilt University Partnership was established by Vanderbilt and Australia's University of Melbourne in 2007 to give researchers and scholars from both institutions opportunities for the exchange of ideas, collaborative research and joint publication.

The Partnership Grants Program, announced last fall, will provide up to $50,000 annually over two years to help researchers at both institutions enhance their respective research capabilities through collaboration.

Partnership grants are two-year, one-time awards that cannot be renewed.

To compete successfully for an award, applicants also must demonstrate that their proposed collaboration has the potential to enhance existing research at both institutions and has excellent prospects for securing follow-on funding from other sources to continue the collaboration.

For more information and application instructions, go to www.vanderbilt.edu/dsr and click on “Quick Links,” then “Internal Grant Competitions & Information.”

Applicants seeking more information should contact Assistant Provost Elizabeth Rapisarda at 322-3684 or elizabeth.rapisarda@vanderbilt.edu.