Vanderbilt’s William Blot, Ph.D., is the principal investigator of the study. (photo by Anne Rayner)
Message from the Vice Chancellor
To Americans, many features of war are “new.” Particularly alarming are its location, on American soil, the weapons used–hijacked airplanes, anthrax and potentially others–and the uncertainty surrounding the identity and location of the enemy. We appreciate that this is also a war over ideas. It is not a war of Arabs versus non-Arabs, or Muslims versus non-Muslims. Rather, it is a war of freedom, respect for life and religious choice versus extremism, intolerance, and indifference to life, all corruptly rationalized in the name of religion. At Vanderbilt we have the knowledge and the tools to take on a war that threatens our citizens with bioterrorism. We are committed to be a resource for the best information and the best care to combat whatever threats may come our way. n