May 14, 2010

MSTP students honored

Vanderbilt University's Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) was well represented at a recent joint meeting of the American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI), the Association of American Physicians (AAP), and the American Physician Scientists Association (APSA) in Chicago.

Prior to the meeting, MSTP students J. Joshua Smith, M.D., Ph.D., and Kel Vin Woo, Ph.D., received ASCI/AAP travel awards. Resident Pinelopi Kapitsinou, M.D., and MSTP student Indriati Hood received APSA travel awards.

At the meeting, Smith and Hood each won the ASCI/AAP Best Poster/Stanley J. Korsmeyer Young Investigator Award. Each award includes a certificate, medal, and a $1,000 cash prize.

Both organizations are honorary societies for physicians and physician-scientists.